Έγινε fitness influencer στα 74 μετά από εντυπωσιακή απώλεια βάρους

Τώρα δείχνει στους followers της πως να ακολουθήσουν το παράδειγμά της.
Joan MacDonald/Instagram

Όταν η Τζόαν ΜακΝτόναλντ ήταν 70 ετών, ζύγιζε περίπου 90 κιλά. Αντιμετώπιζε αρκετά προβλήματα υγείας, για τα οποία έπαιρνε φάρμακα, όπως υψηλή αρτηριακή πίεση και χοληστερίνη. Συνειδητοποίησε ότι έπρεπε κάτι να αλλάξει, οπότε ζήτησε από την κόρη της, που είναι γυμνάστρια, να την βοηθήσει να χάσει κιλά. Μπήκε σε ένα πρόγραμμα διατροφής και ασκήσεις γυμναστικής που έκανε εντατικά. Μέσα σε λίγο χρονικό διάστημα μηνών κατάφερε να χάσει περίπου 30 κιλά.

Για να δείξει στον κόσμο τι είχε καταφέρει και να δείξει ότι η καλή σωματική υγεία δεν έχει ηλικία, η ΜακΝτόναλντ δημιούργησε έναν λογαριασμό στο Instagram . Γρήγορα και συνεχίζοντας την άσκηση, απέκτησε πάνω από 774.000 followers που εμπνέονται από εκείνη.

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I thought I’d share with you how my coach actually trains me. 😅 I think a lot of women my age get really pacified at the gym. I see a lot of chit-chat going on in general between trainers and their older female clients, and not much effort. I imagine Trainer’s must think we can’t be pushed and we are there to mark time, and not accomplish much. 🤷🏼♀️. If I can advise you on one thing: find a trainer who really knows their stuff and can teach you good form and really push you. 🏋🏻♀️ I would NEVER have even thought to learn how to hip thrust or deadlift on my own. I used to just go and sit on the machines and do circuits. But that all changed when I started working with a proper coach. @yourhealthyhedonista just puts me through my paces like a drill sergeant and shows me videos of my form and also does a lot of demonstrations and hands on corrections. This has really helped me learn how to lift properly. I only get to work with her a few times throughout the year but every time I do I seem to make huge improvements. She always tells me: whether you’re young or old, all bodies respond to the same technique of proper exercise selection, proper volume, and progressive overload (making the workouts harder each week). If you dumb it down just because you’re older you won’t get the results you are looking for. Don’t be taken advantage of my dears. If you really want to make changes, decide to become strong and decide that you’re worth the effort. 🏋🏻♀️ I don’t know about you all but I am ITCHING to get back in the gym. I am eagerly watching people in other provinces and states and countries returning to the gym. How exciting! I can’t wait to start hip thrusting again and getting my pull up strength back. What about you? When is your gym reopening or are you already back? What do you want to train? Let’s all make the rest of 2020 something truly amazing. 💪 stay strong, love your neighbour, and work hard for your goals! With love, Joan ❤️ . @anytimefitnesscobourg

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