Νεκρή σε τροχαίο με ηλεκτρονικό πατίνι διάσημη τηλεπαρουσιάστρια και YouTuber στη Βρετανία

Το πρώτο θύμα με ηλεκτρονικό πατίνι στη χώρα.
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THERE IS NOTHING SCARIER THAN YOUR OWN MIND 🤯 - I am someone who I think people would view as fairly fearless 💁🏻♀️ - I drive like a maniac 🚘 I LOVE rollercoasters and horror movies 😱 I love to jump out of planes ✈️ I’ve swum with sharks 🦈 • I just don’t really have many fears but this is definitely not how it has always been ✋🏼 • For example I used to have a huge phobia of flying. Like HUGE 🙋🏻♀️ I would freak out on every flight and pretty much resided myself to the fact that that was how I was going to die ⚰️ • Then what happened was that I totally lost my mind for a few years. I was scared of everything and everyone. I didn’t know who I was anymore and I became a complete slave to anxiety 😰 • To put it bluntly I had lost my mind 🙁 • Then after my recovery process begun I started to realise that actually I probably wasn’t going to die on a plane because the stats generally speaking are in my favour 💁🏻♀️ Horror movies are MOVIES Emily so why are you being such a pussy? 🙄 • My breakdown put so much stuff into perspective for me but the main thing it did was totally remove my fears of pretty much everything 🙌🏼 I was no longer afraid of things I was before and I became a totally new person 😄 • Because the reality is guys, is that nothing, and I mean NOTHING is scarier in life than your own mind 🧠 Especially when you have a mind that was running a zillion miles an hour and one that was making your life smaller and smaller by the minute 😦 • To be honest it was a wake up call I really needed because it has totally made me who I am today. And who I believe I am today is someone that is very honest, very brave and above all, someone who is no longer living life in fear 🙏 • Can anyone else who has gone through something similar relate to this? 💪🏻 • @georgiespurling 📸

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Η τηλεπαρουσιάστρια και YouTuber, Έμιλυ Χάρτριντζ έμελλε να είναι το πρώτο θύμα θανατηφόρου ατυχήματος με ηλεκτρικό πατίνι στη Βρετανία.

Η είδηση του θανάτου της, που ανακοινώθηκε με μια ανάρτηση στον λογαριασμό που διατηρούσε στο Instagram προκάλεσε ένα κύμα αφιερωμάτων, συγκινητικών σχολίων και αναρτήσεων στα social media.

Το δυστύχημα προκλήθηκε όταν το ηλεκτρικό πατίνι το οποίο οδηγούσε η Χάρτριντζ συγκρούστηκε με ένα φορτηγό σε μια διασταύρωση στην περιοχή Μπάτερσι, στο ΝΔ Λονδίνο.

Η 35χρονη γυναίκα έγινε ιδιαίτερα γνωστή μέσω των social media πριν από επτά χρόνια όταν άρχισε να αναρτά στο διαδίκτυο τα βίντεο «Ten Reasons Why...» («Δέκα λόγοι που...») τα οποία παρουσίαζαν πτυχές της καθημερινότητας με έναν χιουμοριστικό τρόπο.

Κερδίζοντας 3εκατ. θεάσεις το μήνα δεν άργησε να έρθει και η πρόταση για την παρουσίαση τηλεοπτικών εκπομπών (4OD’s, Oh Sh*t I’m 30) ενώ πήρε συνεντεύξεις από αρκετούς ηθοποιούς όπως ο Χιού Τζάκμαν κ.α.

Στην ανάρτηση στο Instagram αναφέρεται: «Γεια σε όλους. Είναι απαίσιο αυτό που πρέπει να ανακοινώσουμε μέσω του Instagram αλλά γνωρίζουμε πως πολλοί από εσάς περιμένετε να δείτε την Έμιλυ σήμερα και αυτός είναι ο μόνος τρόπος με τον οποίο μπορούμε να επικοινωνήσουμε με όλους σας. Η Έμιλυ ενεπλάκη σε ένα ατύχημα χθες και πέθανε. Όλοι την αγαπούσαμε πάρα πολύ και δεν θα την ξεχάσουμε ποτέ. Άγγιξε τις ζωές πολλών ανθρώπων και είναι δύσκολο να φανταστούμε μια ζωή χωρίς αυτήν. Ήταν ένας πολύ ξεχωριστός άνθρωπος».

Η αστυνομία ερευνά τις συνθήκες του δυστυχήματος ενώ αξίζει να σημειωθεί πως στο σημείο όπου σημειώθηκε το ατύχημα είχαν γίνει έργα προκειμένου να υπάρχει ξεχωριστή λωρίδα στην οποία θα κινούνται οι ποδηλάτες. Όπως όμως αναφέρει ο Guardian έχει διατυπωθεί έντονη κριτική καθώς εκτιμάται πως η σήμανση προκαλεί σύγχυση και ένας ποδηλάτης πέθανε πρόσφατα κατά τη σύγκρουσή με ένα φορτηγό.

Επισημαίνεται πως στη Βρετανία δεν επιτρέπεται να χρησιμοποιείται ηλεκτρονικό πατίνι σε δημόσιους δρόμους καθώς δεν θεωρούνται οχήματα. Ωστόσο εκτιμάται πως είναι εκατομμύρια πλέον οι χρήστες τους σε ΗΠΑ και Ευρώπη ενώ αυξάνεται διαρκώς η πώληση τους και στο Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο.

Σήμερα, Δευτέρα ο υπουργός Μεταφορών του ΗΒ θα συναντηθεί με εταιρείες πώλησης και κατασκευάστριες ηλεκτρονικών πατινιών θέλοντας να επισημάνει πως θα πρέπει κατά την πώληση να ενημερώνουν τους πολίτες για την ισχύουσα νομοθεσία. «Τα προϊόντα αυτά εμφανίζονται σε πολλές χώρες ανά τον κόσμο και είναι μια συναρπαστική καινοτομία για την οποία γνωρίζουμε ότι υπάρχει ζήτηση. Ωστόσο, η ασφάλεια πρέπει να αποτελεί προτεραιότητα όταν εξετάζουμε τη χρήση τους σε δημόσιους αυτοκινητόδρομους της χώρας» αναφέρει ο υπουργός Μάικλ Έλις.

Σημειώνεται πως το θέμα της χρήσης τους εξετάζεται από τις αρμόδιες αρχές σχετικά με το εάν και κατά πόσο θα πρέπει να επιτρέπεται η χρήση τους και τους ρυθμιστικούς κανόνες που πιθανότητα θα πρέπει να υιοθετηθούν.

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DO YOU EVER FEEL READY TO HAVE A BABY? 👶🤷🏻♀️ - Now it’s no secret that I am very maternal and have wanted kids since I was very young but my question is this.....how on earth does someone feel ready to have a kid? 😱 - I know there are women out there that feel like there is a time in their life where they say to themselves ‘Right, NOW I want to have a baby’ 👊🏻 And even if I was married and fully settled (Although I actually hate the word ‘settled’) I still don’t think I would be ready for a baby 😳 - I don’t know if it’s because I am very ambitious career wise and I love to go away that I worry about how much having a child pins you down and you lose a certain amount of freedom. Or if it’s because I constantly feel like a 12 year old trapped in a 35 year olds body 👧 Like, I barely know what I am doing everyday and navigating through life as it is is a challenge for me 🤣 - Every year I say to myself ‘Maybe next year’ then that year comes and I say ‘maybe next year’ then that year comes and I say ‘Defo next year’ then that year comes and here I am 🙋🏻♀️ - To be honest I think the dream for me would be to get pregnant by accident but with @jacob_hazell being sober and me barely drinking me thinks that ain’t ever gonna happen 😆 So I would need to make the executive decision to have a baby and I just think to myself....WHEN IS THE RIGHT TIME TO DO THAT? LIKE WHEN?????? 🤯 - I am posting about this because I would genuinely love to hear your opinions on this topic 🙏 - For some reason in my end I think- having a baby = life stops 🤚🏽 And that just freaks me right out 😨 - So hit me, what do you think? There is no right or wrong answer, I would just like to know if I am the only women who thinks like this 😬 ____________________________________________ #children #baby #babies #women #fertility #eggfreezing #life #honesty #advice #help

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DEAR BODY 📖 • I apologise for not always loving you the way you loved me. You kept me alive when I put you through so much misery and pain. I almost pushed you to your breaking point but you stayed and you remained strong 💪🏻 • Thank you for letting me feel sand beneath my toes and salt water in my hair 🌊 • Thank you for allowing me to find my passion of boxing and exercise. That has truly saved me and I will be eternally grateful for that 🙏 • Thank you you for not giving up on me when I almost gave up on you. Thank you for staying strong when I felt I wasn’t 😰 • Sincerely, Me ❤️ • @georgiespurling 📸 ___________________________________________ #body #bodies #grateful #mentalhealth #anxiety #mentalhealthawareness #depression #recovery #strong #strength #abs #motivation #inspiration #boxing #girlswhobox #yoga #yogi #workout #exercise #happiness #bikini #beautiful

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YOUR INNER CHILD 🧒 • I was always told that how you should treat yourself in times of struggles is as if you are talking to your younger self 🧒 • My therapist asked me what I would if I met my younger self today? And I said I would give that girl the biggest hug in the world as tell her that everything was going to be ok ❤️ Then I burst into tears 😭 • That’s the funny thing isn’t it? When we are struggling or facing mental health issues, we get angry at ourselves and think we have failed in some way 😕 But what we should be doing is the complete opposite 🤚🏽 • We should be treating ourselves with the upmost kindness during that time because that is what we would do to someone else who is going through a tough time 👫 • But the reality is, we don’t stop 🛑 We keep going, we work harder. We prioritise the wrong things, our mental health declines and we totally burn out, mentally and physically 😰 • So now when I feel a little off balance and as a long time sufferer I know myself extremely well now so these signs are not foreign to me anymore, I no longer beat myself up ❌ I no longer rush around ❌ I no longer tell myself to get my sh*t together and act ‘normal’ ❌ I no longer think I am a failure ❌ • Because if my 5 year old self doesn’t deserve it then my 35 year old self most definitely doesn’t f*cking deserve it 👆🏻 • We HAVE to love ourselves and we HAVE to be kind to ourselves. None of it easy and it’s taken me a long time to get to this stage but I am here and it feels bloody wonderful 🙏 • The individuals who I admire the most in the mental health community all talk about ‘recovery’ and what it really means to say you have ‘recovered’ and many people falsely believe that you have recovered when you no longer feel anxious or depressed but that is just not true ✋🏼 • You have recovered when you no longer CARE if you feel these feelings and I can safely say that that is truly how I feel now 💕 • My younger self just needs a hug and to be told that everything will be ok 👌So take it from me, I PROMISE you it will be. You just gotta stick around to find out 🙂 • @jacob_hazell 📸 ________________________________________________

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FEAR AROUND MEN & RELATIONSHIPS 💔 - For those of us that suffer from mental health issues know the feeling of ‘fear’ all too well and really that‘s what anxiety is.....FEAR 😨 • Some might be similar and some might be exactly the same as others but if your anxiety or depression has got so severe then you have let fear completely take over. Fear is in the driving seat and all irrational thinking goes out the window 🤚🏽 • I have briefly mentioned this before but I have a HUGE fear around men and relationships. I guess when you have had so many failed relationships that it’s the natural outcome but throw severe anxiety into the mix and you have a huge clusterfuck right there 🤯 • Meeting @jacob_hazell totally took me by surprise and to be honest I had accepted that I was going to be alone forever and had made my peace with it 🙏 • I’ll be honest, I was f*cking terrified 😱Terrified of having my heart broken again 😱Terrified of losing my identity again 😱 Terrified of falling back into my old co dependant ways 😱 • I felt totally out of my depth and my anxiety had removed all my rational thinking. It was a head versus heart situation and I was very much ignoring my heart😳 • So I went to see a relationship therapist and it was literally the best decision I have ever made. She was able to help me navigate my fears and rationalise the ridiculous ones. I thought I could figure it out alone but I was drowning and I had so much fear around losing Jake because of my inability to rationalise my fears 😥 • Fast forward 5 months and I have never been happier 😊 Turns out I am not a co dependant person at all 🙅🏻♀️ When you meet the right person and you know they are never going to leave you, turns out I am f*cking relaxed and happy doing my own thing 😊 • My anxiety almost ruined what is the most amazing relationship I have ever had and honestly it was because I sought help for it. My therapist helped me understand that it was my fear of being broken hearted again that was holding me back and why I was protecting myself 🙌🏼 • We all have fears but NEVER let them get in the way of what you REALLY want ❤️ • @georgiespurling 📸

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OF COURSE I HIT LIKE A GIRL | YOU COULD TOO, IF YOU HIT A LITTLE HARDER 🥊🙋🏻♀️ - Since recovering from my hip injury coming back to boxing has literally made me so happy 😀 I can’t express how good boxing makes me feel....mentally and physically 💪🏻 - To anyone with mental health issues I can’t recommend trying boxing ANY higher. It’s the sweating, the punching and the fact that you simply can’t think about anything else because you have to concentrate so hard on not getting hit 🙋🏻♀️ - The lovely guys at @rathboneboxing have very kindly offered me a discount code for you guys and hopefully if you try out a few classes you will get hooked like me 😊 - If you go to their website and use my promotion code you will get 20% off any fully priced bundle. It is ONLY available for the first 20 lucky users and it can only be used once by each of you. This code lasts for 20 days so it will expire on the 23rd of July 🤚🏽 - DISCOUNT CODE: PUNCHLIKEAGIRL 🤸🏻♂️ - I really hope boxing helps you as much as it has helped me and if you do try it out at @rathboneboxing you will NOT be disappointed 🤙 The classes are amazing and you will really learn the art of boxing and how to throw a proper punch 🤛🏼 - So what are you waiting for? Get yourselves down there ASAP ☝🏼 ____________________________________________ #boxing #punchlikeagirl #girlswhobox #rathboneboxingclub #london #workout #exercise #fitness #strong #strength #muscles #fitnessmotivation #fit #abs #lean

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ALL IS NOT WHAT IT SEEMS 🤚🏽 . Just a little reminder that the smiles on Instagram can hide the darkest of depressions. They can hide the anxious hole you might have found yourself in. They can hide the suicidal thoughts. They can hide the fact that you want to curl up into a ball and never face the world again 😢 . This photo was taken about 3 years ago right at the start of my nervous breakdown. I was on a very strong anti depressant, anti psychotics, benzodiazepines, I had begged the doctor for more sleeping pills because I just could not sleep but she wouldn’t give me anymore. But on this particular day, I was being paid to model for a makeup brand. So I turned up, they painted my face and I smiled for the camera 📸 . But a smile means nothing really. Anyone can smile for a photo, we’ve all done it when really smiling is the last thing we want to do. And sometimes putting on a smile can help but with studies showing how badly social media is affecting our mental health and sometimes with tragic consequences, it’s so so important to show ALL of us on here ☝🏼 . Show the happiness 😀 Show the sadness 😔 Show the anger 😡 Show the excitement 😆 SHOW EVERYTHING 🤚🏽 . Life is up and down so if our Instagram profiles do not reflect this then why are we all selling a lie? Sure, by being totally honest and upfront means less brands want to work with me 🤣 But to ever think that what I was posting was affecting someone else’s mental health would make me so sad 😞 . So I will take the hit on the money side because what I am doing on here is so much more than that for me. I mean I know I am no Mother Teresa but I like to think I make a teeny tiny raindrop difference in this world....I hope so anyway 🌍❤️ **************************************************

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Πηγή: The Guardian
