Ούτε λίγο ούτε πολύ, 91 διεθνή βραβεία έχει στο παλμαρέ του το αεροδρόμιο της Αθήνας.
Καθώς φαίνεται το Millennium επέδρασε ευεργετικά για τον Διεθνή Αερολιμένα Αθηνών, το οποίο από τις 28 Μαρτίου του 2001 που ξεκίνησε τη λειτουργία του, μέχρι και σήμερα, κατέχει περίοπτη θέση όχι μόνο στα αεροδρόμια της Ευρώπης, αλλά και όλου του κόσμου.
Συναγωνιζόμενο, άλλοτε, αεροδρόμια με παρεμφερή μεγέθη ταξιδιωτών και άλλοτε αεροδρόμια μεγαλύτερα, συγκρινόμενο σε καινοτομίες που εισάγει, το αεροδρόμιο της Αθήνας, αποτελεί ένα από τα πιο ισχυρά hubs του ελληνικού τουρισμού.
Τα 91 βραβεία που έχει αποσπάσει σε διεθνές επίπεδο, καταμαρτυρούν του λόγου το αληθές, με την καλή μέρα να φαίνεται από το πρωί, όπως λέει ο θυμόσοφος λαός μας. Κι αυτό, διότι με το… καλημέρα, το 2002 ανακηρύχθηκε πρώτο αεροδρόμιο στον κόσμο, στην κατηγορία 5-15 εκατ. ταξιδιώτες (Business Excellence), ενώ το 2001 ήρθε δεύτερο στην Ευρώπη και τρίτο στον κόσμο σε επίπεδο ικανοποίησης πελατών.

Έκτοτε τα βραβεία αυγάτισαν, αποδεικνύοντας εμπράκτως ότι το μοντέλο λειτουργίας του αεροδρομίου Αθηνών, που ανήκει στο ελληνικό δημόσιο αλλά έχει ιδιωτικό μάνατζμεντ, αποτελεί το πλέον αποδοτικό, αναβαθμίζοντας τις υπηρεσίες που προσφέρει συνεχώς.
Μάλιστα, η πρόσφατη επέκταση στης σύμβασης μέχρι το 2046, απέφερε σημαντικά έσοδα στον ελληνικό δημόσιο (1,15 δισ. ευρώ), λύνοντας παράλληλα τα χέρια της διοίκησης του αεροδρομίου, ώστε να προχωρήσει απρόσκοπτα στις μεγάλες επενδύσεις. Ήδη, βρίσκεται σε εξέλιξη η επέκταση του κεντρικού αεροσταθμού, κόστους 18 εκατ. ευρώ, κι αυτό επειδή έχει φθάσει κοντά στο όριο των 26 εκατ. ταξιδιωτών που ορίζει η ΙΑΤΑ, για το συγκεκριμένο αεροδρόμιο, το οποίο ξεπέρασε τα 24 εκατ. κίνησης το 2018.
Η πρόσφατη βράβευση που κατέκτησε το αεροδρόμιο, ως πρώτο στην ιδιαίτερα ανταγωνιστική κατηγορία των +20 εκατ. επιβατών, ξεπερνώντας τον ανταγωνισμό των αεροδρομίων Βρυξελλών, Κοπεγχάγης, Μονάχου, Όσλο (Gardermoen) και Μόσχας (Vnukovo), αποτελεί την τέταρτη φετινή διάκριση και έπεται συνέχεια. Ξεχωριστό έπαινο, απέσπασε το βραβευμένο Σχήμα Κινήτρων του ΔΑΑ, το οποίο συμπεριλαμβάνει 13 διαφορετικές κατηγορίες και όπως τονίσθηκε «καλύπτει κάθε πιθανή αναπτυξιακή προσπάθεια από εταιρείες Βάσης, χαμηλού κόστους, ή παραδοσιακές».

Το 2018 ήταν μια ιδιαίτερα εποικοδομητική χρονιά για το αεροδρόμιο της Αθήνα, μια χρονιά με ρεκόρ επιβατών, με 62 νέα δρομολόγια και βάσεις 4 νέων αεροπορικών εταιρειών. Το 2019, σύμφωνα και με τα μέχρι στιγμής στοιχεία, κινείται σε νέα επίπεδα ρεκόρ, κάτι που μεταφράζεται και σε αύξηση της τουριστικής κίνησης της Αθήνας και εν γένει της χώρας.
Δείτε όλα τα βραβεία από το 2002 μέχρι σήμερα...
AIA Awards
- Routes Europe 2019: Winner of the Routes Marketing Award in the over 20 million passengers category (Business Excellence)
- Tourism Awards 2019: Gold Award in 2 categories: Tourism & Culture - Destinatios: Tourism Attractions (Business Excellence)
- Silver Award for AIA’s Parking Loyalty Programme in category: Best in Loyalty & Engagement (Business Excellence)
- ACI World – ASQ Award: AIA best airport in Europe (15-25 million pax) for customer experience (Business Excellence)
- Air Transport Research Society 2018: Top Efficiency Award (Business Excellence)
- Bronze Award for AIA’s Parking Loyalty Programme (Business Excellence)
- Skytrax World Airport Awards: Athens Airport is “Best Airport in Southern Europe” (Business Excellence)
- ACI World – ASQ Award: AIA best airport in Europe for customer experience (Business Excellence)
- Corporate Affairs Excellence Awards (Operational Excellence)
- Air Transport Research Society 2017: Airport Efficiency Excellence Award (Business Excellence)
- Ermis Awards 2017: Double Prize for Athens International Airport (Business Excellence)
- Tourism Awards 2017: Honorary Award for “People on the Move” Exhibition at AIA (Business Excellence)
- Athens International Airport receives IATA’s “Fast Travel Gold Award” (Operational Excellence)
- Energy Mastering Awards 2017: GOLD Award for AIA’s licensed activity of “Electricity Grid Manager” (Operational Excellence)
- Distinction at WITSA Global Excellence Awards 2017 (IT&T)
- Impact Bite Awards 2017: 2 Gold Awards for AIA (IT&T)
- Corporate Affairs Excellence Awards 2016: New Excellence Award for “ATH Messenger” (IT&T)
- World Routes 2016: Winner of the Routes Marketing Award in 4-20m. Passengers category (Business Excellence)
- Routes Europe 2016: Winner of the Routes Marketing Award in the 4-20 m. passengers category (Business Excellence)
- Air Transport Research Society 2016: Airport Efficiency Excellence Award (Business Excellence)
- Ecopolis ENV Awareness Awards: Award for biodiversity protection & wildlife management (Environment)
- Environmental Awards 2016: GOLD for “Water Consumption Reduction” - GOLD for “Efficient Water Management” - GRAND award for the overall Water Management (Environment)
- E-Volution Awards: Gold prize for ATH Messenger as a world innovative service (IT&T)
- Digi.travel Europe/Middle East/Africa: ATH Messenger receives award for innovative service of ATH Messenger (IT&T)
- Mobile Excellence Awards 2016: Award for “ATH Airport” app (IT&T)
- Business IT Excellence (BITE) Awards: Gold Award in MIS application (IT&T)
- Business IT Excellence (BITE) Awards: Silver Award in the AVLS system (IT&T)
- Air Transport Research Society 2015: Airport Efficiency Excellence Award (Business Excellence)
- Routes Europe 2015: Winner of the Routes Marketing Award in the 4-20 m. passengers category (Business Excellence)
- “Air Transport News” 2015: “Airport of the Year” in the category 10-30 million passengers (Business Excellence)
- Tourism Awards 2015: “I’ m an Aθenian” Campaign - Silver Award in the category “Integrated Marketing Campaign” (Business Excellence)
- Hellenic Management Association 2015: Corporate Affairs Excellence Award for the corporate “i-mind” programme in the category “Company & Stakeholders” (Business Excellence)
- Facilities Management Award: Winner at Transportation Infrastructure category / GOLD at Communal charges category / GOLD at Ιmpact on Sustainability category (Operational Excellence)
- Airport’s Call Centre at Teleperformance Hellas Grand Prix 2014: 3rd place in “Big Contact Centers” (Operational Excellence)
- Transport & Logistics Awards: “Excellent Performance” Award in CSR / “Outstanding Performance” Distinction for joint communication platform for Cargo community (Cargo Development)
- Waste & Recycling Awards – GOLD (Environment)
- Energy Mastering Awards - SILVER award (Environment)
- Facilities Management Awards - GOLD award (Environment)
- Business IT Excellence (BITE) Awards 2015: Gold Award in Innovation / Creativity / Inventiveness (IT&T)
- AIA ΙΤ&Τ Unit wins at e–volution awards for e-Strategy (IT&T)
- 2015 Cyta Mobile Excellence Awards: Silver award for IT&T in the “Innovative Mobile Application / Service” category (IT&T)
- World Routes 2014: Highly Commended in the passenger category of 4-20 million pax (Business Excellence)
- Air Transport Research Society 2014: Top Efficiency Excellence Award (Business Excellence)
- ACI - Europe “Best Airport Awards 2014” Winner in the 10-25 million passenger category (Business Excellence)
- Routes Europe 2014: Airlines honour AIA with one more international distinction in the 4-20 m. passengers category (Business Excellence)
- Airport’s Call Centre at Teleperformance Hellas Grand Prix 2013: 2nd place in “Big Contact Centers” (Operational Excellence)
- European Business Awards for the Environment 2014: 1st place in the Management category and Distinction for the protection of Biodiversity (Environment)
- EBGE 2014 Greek Graphic Design and Illustration Awards: Graphic design award for AIA’s web page (IT&T)
- Golden Ermis 2014 award for the new airport webpage (IT&T)
- Ermis Bronze Award for Twiter launch (SPOT JWT for AIA Artwork)
- Stevie International Business Awards – BRONZE (Business Excellence)
- Routes Europe 2013: AIA Winner of Routes Airport Marketing Award in the 4 - 20 m. passengers category (Business Excellence)
- Airport’s Call Centre at Teleperformance Hellas Grand Prix 2012: 2nd place in “Big Contact Centers” (Operational Excellence)
- ACI EUROPE/ WORLD 2013: Eco-Innovation Award (Environment)
- “Lovie” & “Webit” 2013: Digital distinctions for AIA’s web page (IT&T)
- Routes Europe 2012: Highly commended in the “Mediterranean and Southern Europe” category (Business Excellence)
- Routes Europe 2011: Highly commended in the Mediterranean and Southern Europe category (Business Excellence)
- Institute of Transport Management: “European Airport of the Year 2011” (Business Excellence)
- Leader in Aviation Awards 2010 Doha Aviation Summit” (Business Excellence)
- World Route Development Forum 2010: 2nd best airport in airline marketing (Business Excellence)
- Routes Airport Marketing Award 2010: Winner in the “Mediterranean-Southern Europe” (Business Excellence)
- 3rd Superbrands Award Ceremony 2010: 1st place (Customer Satisfaction)
- Air Cargo World magazine 2010: Winner at the Air Cargo Excellence Survey (Cargo Development)
- 15th World Route Development Forum 2009: 1st place in Europe (Business Excellence)
- OAG 2009 - Routes Airport Marketing Awards Europe: Winner in the “Mediterranean-Southern Europe” (Business Excellence)
- UCityguides.com 2009 - best airport magazine in the world for the official Athens Airport magazine (Customer Satisfaction)
- Flightglobal.com’s “Webbies – Aviation Web Awards: Bronze award in the “Best Airport Website” category and Silver award in the category “Best Online Innovation” (IT&T)
- OAG 2008 - Routes Airport Marketing Award: 1st place (Business Excellence)
- European Commission 2008: “Greenbuilding Award” for remarkable energy savings (Environment)
- OAG 2007 - Routes Airport Marketing Award: 1st place (Business Excellence)
- OAG 2006 – Routes Airport Marketing Award: 1st place (Business Excellence)
- ATRS Business Efficiency Excellence 2006:Runner-up Award (Business Excellence)
- Air Cargo News” Magazine and Airports Council International 2006: Best Cargo Airport (Cargo Development)
- OAG 2005 - Routes Airport Marketing Award: 1st place (Business Excellence)
- 46th Paris Air Show 2005 - “Aerospace Industry Award” (Operational Excellence)
- AETRA Awards 2005 - 2nd best airport in the world for 2004 (Customer Satisfaction)
- 2nd Superbrands Award Ceremony 2005: 1st place (Customer Satisfaction)
- Hellenic Institute of Internal Auditors 2005 -“Recognition of Commitment” for AIA’s Internal Audit Department (Corporate Services)
- 46th Paris Air Show 2005: Aerospace Industry Award in the “Infrastructure & Environment” category (Environment)
- AETRA Awards: 2nd best airport in Overall Customer Satisfaction in Europe / 2nd best airport in the world (Customer Satisfaction)
- European Foundation Quality Management (E.F.Q.M.) 2004: “Commitment to Excellence” award for Human Resources Management (Corporate Services)
- European Commission 2004: GreenLight award (Environment)
- British Institute of Transport Management (ITM) 2003: “European Airport of the Year 2004” (Business Excellence)
- International Air Transport Association (IATA) 2003 - EAGLE Award (Business Excellence)
- AETRA Awards 2003- 2nd best airport in Europe / 2nd best airport in the world (Customer Satisfaction)
- IATA “Global Airport Monitor” 2002 – 1st place in the world for “Overall Passenger Satisfaction” (Customer Satisfaction)
- KPMG “6th Human Resources Symposium” 2003: Award for Human Resources Training and Development (Corporate Services)
- European Foundation for Quality Management (E.F.Q.M.) 2003: “Recognized for Excellence” award (IT&T)
- World Routes 2002: 1st place in 5-15 mil. Pax (Business Excellence)
- IATA “Global Airport Monitor” 2001 - 2nd place in Europe and 3rd place in the world (Customer Satisfaction)
- European Foundation for Quality Management (E.F.Q.M.) 2002: “Commitment to Business Excellence” award (IT&T)